Navigating Recruitment Challenges and Top Talent Acquisition Strategies with an RPO Partner

By James Sharp | June 12, 2023

Organisations around the world continue to face the primary challenge of finding and retaining the right talent. Recruitment processes have become overwhelming and time-consuming, diverting attention away from core business functions. Additionally, the digital revolution has added complexity, bombarding HR teams with countless CVs through organisational websites and social media channels. Unfortunately, most organisations succumb…

Key factors to building workforce agility

By James Sharp | May 30, 2023

The business world has been in an almost constant state of flux since the Covid-19 pandemic. No sooner had the decimating effects of the pandemic abated, Russia invaded Ukraine, which affected energy prices, food prices and drove inflation across the Western world to highs not seen in decades. To combat inflation, central banks increased interest…

Six common RPO myths busted

By James Sharp | February 28, 2023

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) was first developed in the 1990s in the US and UK and has evolved significantly over the decades since. RPO is where a company outsources all or part of its recruitment processes to an RPO provider on an ongoing basis. The US and the UK account for over two-thirds of an…

Surviving a Recession: 5 steps to help you through an economic downturn

By James Sharp | January 24, 2023

Almost a year ago, in May 2022, the Bank of England predicted that the UK economy was in for hard times. They expected the 2022 Q4 GDP figures to fall by 1% and then by a further 0.25% during 2023. Inflation was predicted to hit double figures, and petrol prices were expected to shoot up…

Should you hire contractors over FTEs in 2023?

By James Sharp | December 14, 2022

As 2022 draws to a close, recruiters and talent acquisition professionals are looking back over the last year or so for lessons to learn, good and bad and looking forward to 2023 to try and predict what strategies they’ll need to employ to ensure 2023 is a great year. The last few years have exceeded…

Why meeting candidate requirements during an economic recession is essential

By James Sharp | November 23, 2022

Economic downturns and recessions are historical facts. They happen roughly every 10 to 12 years and often affect life and the economy for years afterwards. However, businesses still need to recruit workers, and people need jobs to survive and enjoy life. That said, for Recruiters to successfully attract the top talent they need to survive…

How to win at seasonal recruitment with an RPO solution

By James Sharp | October 19, 2022

Seasonal workers are traditionally thought of as people who work in the run-up to Christmas to help with the extra workload caused by the festive season or workers employed in businesses that are only open for part of the year. This could include lifeguards at outdoor swimming pools or working at a ski resort. In…

Improve workplace diversity with an RPO partner

By James Sharp | September 27, 2022

Diversity and Inclusion has taken on a new importance and, for many companies, a top priority. This has been demonstrated by 123% rise in job postings featuring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in 2021. A Gartner survey confirmed this trend was expected to continue unabated into 2022, revealing diversity, equity, and inclusion now ranks in HR…

How to win the war for digital talent

By James Sharp | August 23, 2022

Digital transformation has been an increasing fact of modern business for years since the early 1990s when earlier adopters saw the future was digital and began working towards that end goal. However, since the early 2020s, when the pandemic struck and rendered face-to-face business of any form impossible, digital transformation accelerated, increasing the demand for…

Overcoming common recruitment challenges with an RPO partner

By James Sharp | August 2, 2022

Traditional recruitment can be a slow, laborious process that can hold companies back from the success they deserve because of the problems of poor hires, long hiring cycles and the higher costs and inefficiencies that are often involved. However, you need a recruitment strategy if you want your organisation to thrive in 2022 and attract…